

We are raising funds to cover the costs of the event, from promotion to production, and all the other costs that come with an event of this size.

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Cry out in prayer
for unity & peace

We believe God is calling all people of faith to demonstrate His love by pushing back against hatred and division. If we humbly cry out to Him in prayer, turn from sin, and forgive one another, He will hear us and heal our city, bringing unity and peace to Charleston for His glory.

If we respond to this calling in obedience, we will see healing like we’ve never seen before and revival beyond anything we can ask or imagine.

The solution is simple, yet the task before us will be difficult.
We exist to proclaim and pursue the Lord’s work of bringing repentance, forgiveness, reconciliation, and unity to His people, for the manifestation of His glory in our Lord Jesus Christ.


We turn from sins of racism and resentment deeply rooted in our communities, churches and families.


While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us, so now we too can forgive those who have sinned against us.


While forgiveness doesn’t erase the past, it allows our wounds to heal so we can move forward as one.


We will experience unity when we repent of our sins, ask for forgiveness, and heal our wounds through reconciliation.

For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility…that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace.

Ephesians 2:14-15
Event Details

Let’s Begin Together.

Join us to pray for our city, and to gather in unity as we celebrate what God has already done and what He will continue to do through His people. Men and women of faith from all classes, races and denominations will join together with one heart and purpose to seek the Lord’s blessing on our land.

Prayer Procession

Meet at St. John’s Reformed Episcopal Church
51 Anson Street, Charleston
The procession begins at St. John’s Reformed Episcopal Church, moving forward to Emanuel AME Church and concludes in Marion Square downtown Charleston where we engage in theatrical commentary and performances to depict moments in history, liturgical dancers and singing in unity, as we pray for healing and peace.

South Battery

The Wound
The Healing
We gather on this site to mourn and reflect on the rebellion and sin that would lead a brother to take up arms against his brother.
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At the South Battery overlooking Fort Sumpter on April 12, 1961, our nation plunged into the Civil War – four years of unthinkable hostility and bloodshed. Here we will confess our hostile thoughts and deeds and pray for peace. We will seek God’s forgiveness for the many ways we perpetuate conflict between people. We will pray for the day when God will make wars cease to the end of the earth, breaking the bow, shattering the spear, and burning the chariots with fire (Psalm 46).

Four Corners of Law

The Wound
The Healing
We gather on this site to seek the face of the Law-Giver, and to confess the ways all of us have sinned and fallen short.
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Ironically, some of the beautiful structures around this iconic intersection of justice were constructed by slaves who spent thousands of hours laboring in bondage. Here we will confess our unjust thoughts, evil desires and deeds, and we will pray for justice. We will confess our sins of injustice and prejudice, pray for the day when “justice will roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream” (Amos 5).

Old Exchange Building

The Wound
The Healing
We gather on this site to lament the historic sin of slavery, as well as the ongoing human trafficking that is tolerated even today.
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The Old Exchange Building was one of the most commonly used sites for the domestic slave trade in Charleston. We will confess our enslaving thoughts and pray for freedom. We believe Jesus came to set the captives free (Luke 4), and to liberate individuals, cultures, and nations.

UNited States Custom House

The Wound
The Healing
We gather on this site to confess our idolatrous materialism and pray for a spirit of contentment and generosity.
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As much as we appreciate godly business practices that lead to human flourishing, we also recognize that much of Charleston’s prosperity – from the transatlantic slave trade to the Caribbean sugar barons, to our own contemporary business practices – flows from an immoderate craving for the things of this world.

Anson Street

The Confession
The Celebration
We gather to confess our hard hearts and lukewarm spirits and pray that the Lord would open up the ancient wells of revival once again and bless us with a fresh outpouring of His Holy Spirit.
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On this site, the Lord "rent the heavens and came down" (Isaiah 64). In 1857, Rev. John Girardeau led a series of prayer meetings at Anson St. Presbyterian Church (Presently St. John Reformed Episcopal Church). Over the course of several weeks, the congregation of 48 blacks and 12 whites at Anson St. Presbyterian Church sought the face of God in repentance, prayed for the salvation of loved ones, and ultimately cried out for revival. One night Girardeau was leading prayer and felt something like a surge of electricity shoot through his body. He said, "The Holy Spirit has come." Within days he was preaching to crowds of thousands. Within months the revival broke out in New York City and ultimately nearly a million people came to faith in Christ.

Mother Emanuel

The Wound
The Healing
We gather on this site to confess our sins of racism and hatred, and pray for God to write His law of love on our hearts.
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The oldest AME church in the South has a heartbreaking history of discrimination and racist persecution and violence. In light of this history and more recent events, we affirm that God so loved the world that He gave his only Son to save it (John 3), and that we might be filled with His Holy Spirit to love one another as Christ has loved us.

Marion Square

The Wound
The Healing
We gather to confess our sins of dissension and discord, and pray for unity as our procession concluded with our Jubilee Assembly.
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For many years this was the home of perhaps the most controversial monument in the city of Charleston, the statue of John C. Calhoun. On this site of historic warfare and contemporary controversy, we pray against the disunity in our city and put our hope in the blood of Christ, the “precious flow” that has broken down the dividing wall of hostility (Eph. 2).

Jubilee Assembly

Francis Marion Square • 2025
We are expecting God to show up in a powerful way as we meet in one accord… to seek Him for healing and revival for our city. Even if you don’t participate in the procession, we welcome you to this powerful event.
We will fellowship. We will break bread. We will sing. We will dance.
We will gather in one accord for Remembrance, Forgiveness, Repentance, Reconciliation, Unity and Revival.
As procession participants arrive at Marion Square, they will be greeted by local vendors, food trucks and entertainment.
The assembly will begin with a message from one of our founders, the Rev. Anthony Thompson, and special guests to lead us in prayer.
The jubilee will include powerful music as we unify our voices in praise and worship with local choirs and bands.

Blow the trumpet in Zion; consecrate a fast; call a solemn assembly; gather the people.

Joel 2. 15-16
There will be a large turnout to this event, because we believe there is a hunger for healing and revival. Because of that, we will need a tremendous amount of support.
We have several opportunities to help with this event. If you have a passion for serving or have specific skills that you can contribute, let us know.
Sign Up
We are raising funds to cover the costs of the event, from promotion to production, and all the other costs that come with an event of this size.
Give NowBecome a Sponsor
We are praying that every church in the Lowcountry and all of South Carolina will be an important part of making this event a success.
Let's Talk
We are seeking to partner with willing pastors and churches to help us with the following:
  1. Preach and teach the following messages in the four weeks prior to the event: Repentance, Forgiveness, Reconciliation, and Unity
  2. Volunteer your choirs and musiciansEmail us at with your music or choir director's information.
  3. Volunteer a Prayer TeamEmail us at with the contact information for your prayer team leader or anyone who would like to be a part of our Prayer Team.
  4. Encourage your members to volunteer – Anyone with specific skills and a passion for serving can contribute by signing up here.
  5. Join us for a revival at St. John Reformed Episcopal Church, the night before the Prayer Procession. (Pastors, Prayer Teams and Choirs who are willing to participate in this revival can contact Rev. Anthony B. Thompson at
  6. Provide donations. We are raising funds to cover the costs of the event, from promotion to production, and all the other costs that come with an event of this size. Give Now
  7. Share our event and information with partner churches, synagogues or mosques.

We are expecting a large turnout to this event because we believe there is a hunger for healing and revival. Because of this, we will need a tremendous amount of support.

To discuss more opportunities to partner with us, email us at

You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.

C.S. Lewis
Our Story
Sunday, May 30, 2020, during protests against racial injustice, two church leaders from different backgrounds and denominations, yet one faith, came together with their congregations to preach a “sermon duet” about reconciliation. They asked what we can do in Charleston to heal the racial divide in the city. There was a deep cry for peace and unity, but how?

Through a series of meetings of asking God for direction, along with an honest discussion, One New Humanity Charleston was formed. The Prayer Procession and Solemn Assembly would then become the launching point for the organization, as it will bring together thousands of people from diverse backgrounds to pray for healing, peace and unity through repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation.

Charleston may have a shameful past, but it has also seen revival before. We believe our best days are ahead. While some seek to divide, we will unite. We will answer hatred with love and compassion. We work toward reconciliation, not retribution. Forgiveness is the greatest gift we have ever received, and it is how the wounds of our history will be healed. If we humble ourselves and repent, then ask God for forgiveness, He will heal our land and bring revival again!
Our Leadership
Rev. Anthony Thompson
Founding Chairman
Dr. Anthony Thompson Jr.
Director of External Affairs & Programs
Michael Cooper
Public Relations & Fundraising
Raphael James
Board Member
Tommy McQueeney
Board Member
Shenece Blie
Board Member
See Complete Staff Listing
One New Humanity Staff
  • Dr. Wayne Singleton
    Minister of Music
  • Darlene J. Thompson
    Director of Prayer Teams
  • Blondelle Gadsden
    Volunteer Coordinator
  • Rev. Anthony B. Thompson
    Executive Director
  • LaQuetta McCormick-Smith
    Budget & Finance
  • Attorney Michael Cooper
    Fundraising & Public Relations
  • Anthony B. Thompson, Jr
    Director of Church & Community Engagement
  • Shenece Blie
  • Karyn Taylor Mims
    Youth & Young Adult Coordinator
  • Julian Gooding
    Director of Communications & Videography
  • Miguel Brown
  • Raphael James
Advisory Council
The Rev. Dr. Timothy George
The Rev. Dr. Marshall Blalock
The Rev. Craig Tuck
Legal Council
Steve Schmutz, Attorney at Law
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